Non- NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:

  • Insurance claim forms
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates

The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.

Well Woman Clinic

You can make an appointment to discuss gynecological problems, family planning, menopause issues or ask advice about smears or breast checks.  We can also offer general health checks such as blood pressure checks and other lifestyle advice.

Well Man Clinic

If you are between 40-60 years of age you should consider seeing your doctor or practice nurse for a well man check.  We will screen you for any existing illness and advise you on staying well in the future.  You will have your height and weight, blood pressure and cholesterol checked plus and additional tests depending on your symptoms, risk or family history.

Weight Management

This is offered by our practice nurses and can advise you on healthy diets and ways to manage your weight.

Sexual Health Screening

Simple Screening is offered to registered patients by our practice nurses, if you require a full sexual health screening please contact the new croft centre.

Influenza Injections

Each Autumn/Winter we run flu clinics.  Anyone over 65, or suffering from a Chronic Disease at any age is at an increased risk from flu and should be vaccinated.  Look out for the adverts when flu vaccines arrive.

Hypertension Clinic/Heart Disease/Stroke

Untreated high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attached and strokes.  Any doctor or nurse can check your blood pressure and if high arrange blood and urine tests and an ECG.

Family Planning

You can see the practice nurse for emergency contraception or for monitoring and repeat prescriptions of pills and injections.  All doctors are able to provide a confidential family planning service including emergency contraception, the contraceptive pill and injections.  Coil fittings and the contraceptive implant can also be arranged.

Emphysema/COPD Management

The nursing team offer COPD Management to patients diagnosed with Emphysema/COPD.

Dietary Advice

All doctors and practice nurses are able to offer dietary and lifestyle advice in a routine appointment, written information is also available.